Traveling by Plane During the Pandemic: Tips and Precautions

Woman in mask waiting for flight at airport

Travel by plane it is an activity that has been postponed or replaced by many Brazilians due to the risk of infection by Covid-19, but some people have not been able to change their routines in this scenario and still need to travel during the pandemic, mainly to work on essential functions.

And even with empty airports, reduced flights and care taken by airlines, making a travel during the pandemic continues to be something that generates many doubts and uncertainties in travelers. With that in mind, Del Rey's Blog has prepared a special post with tips on travel by plane during the pandemic. Keep reading!

Travel During the Pandemic

Airlines adhered to the new safety and hygiene protocols required by the WHO, adapting the way of traveling for this new moment. 

In Brazil, Abear (Associação Brasileira das Empresas Aéreas) made available to the public a guide on how airlines are following protocols and guidelines. Some of these items will be covered in this post, but you can check out the complete guide. in this link

In addition to the precautions taken by airlines before boarding, it is also important to maintain personal safety, using a mask, hand sanitizer and respecting social distancing in all locations: whether at check-in, queues, inside the plane and landing.

When buying your ticket, the ideal is to look for empty flights without many connections, reducing the chance of getting in contact with crowds.


It is always recommended to check in online or via the app. If the passenger needs service at the counter, the distance of 2 meters is the minimum standard required. 

At some airports, a self-service and baggage drop-off service is also available without contact with employees, avoiding exposure and contamination.

People on commercial flight

Inside the plane

Inside the plane, concern about contamination is something that afflicts travelers, but planes have an air filtration system similar to that of hospitals, which reduces the chance of contamination by the coronavirus and other bacteria.

The way in which passengers are distributed among the seats on the flight can also prevent contamination, as people do not sit facing each other and the use of a mask is mandatory on board the plane. 

In the on-board service, procedures are to serve pre-packaged meals and offer passengers wipes or something equivalent to clean their hands and seat, for greater hygiene and convenience.


After landing, it is time to follow the crew's instructions and avoid crowding in the corridors when disembarking. The ideal is to remain seated in your seat and wait for the call to leave the aircraft.

At airports, the presence of relatives or drivers waiting for someone to arrive is no longer allowed.

When picking up the bags, it is also important to maintain social distancing and avoid being too close to people when picking up luggage on the conveyor belt. 

Now that you already know what it's like to travel by plane during the pandemic, how about choosing the Del Rey Quality Hotel when staying in Foz do Iguaçu? Book directly on our website and get 10% off

Images: Pexels (Anna Shvets); Pexels (Sourav Mishra). 


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