Foz do Iguaçu Airport: Know the Hygiene Measures Adopted during the Pandemic

Plane on the runway at the airport in Foz do Iguaçu

Due to the coronavirus crisis, airports around the world have reduced internal activities and the air network. With fewer and fewer people willing to make a travel during the pandemic, airports had to adapt to the new reality. 

Infraero started an action to guide passengers and airport employees in Brazil so that activities take place normally, taking all precautions to combat and prevent COVID-19. And the Del Rey Quality Hotel in Foz prepared this post with all the information on how Foz do Iguacu Airport is adopting the hygiene measures in the pandemic. Check out!


Signage stickers and notices with guidelines were installed to instruct travelers. Audio and video notices broadcast on sound systems, panels and posters are also on the terminals. 

At the Foz do Iguacu Airport these signs are in the check-in, boarding, and disembarkation, x-ray, baggage claim areas, in the area of stairs and elevators, and also in front of the stores. The notices contain instructions such as:

  • Encouraging the use of digital means to check-in (airline apps or web check-in);
  • Avoid handling printed boarding passes;
  • Recommendation to use a credit card or smartphone to make payments at points of sale such as snack bars, shops and restaurants at the airport;
  • Encouraging the use of masks by passengers in public and circulation areas, as well as the use of PPE (personal protective equipment) by Infraero employees and other people who work on site; 
  • Protection, hygiene and social distancing instructions.


Person measuring temperature of tourist

Awareness campaign

The campaign “Take care of yourself and others”  it is also being held at the Foz do Iguaçu airport and aims to prepare the terminals for the increased circulation of passengers traveling during the pandemic and workers at airports. 

In addition to the notices already mentioned, the campaign also includes actions such as intensified cleaning of common areas, provision of hygiene items such as alcohol gel, soap and paper towel dispensers in all areas of the airport to facilitate personal hygiene for passengers and to avoid possible contamination.

Foz airport still has sanitary barriers where professionals measure the temperature of passengers and complete questionnaires. If someone has symptoms of Covid-19, the person is sent directly to the hospital for evaluation. 

Is traveling to Foz do Iguaçu safe?

Even with all the hygiene measures during the pandemic Infraero recommends that air travel be made only by people who really need it, such as people undergoing health treatment, professionals who are fighting the coronavirus or working in essential functions. 

Foz do Iguaçu has structure and several establishments with the Responsible Tourism Seal, which certifies tourist establishments, accommodation, bars and restaurants that follow the hygiene and safety protocol. 

If you need to travel during the pandemic and are looking for accommodation with a good location and the best cost-benefit ratio, book your night with us, with 10% discount

Images: Unsplash (Anna Gru); Pexels (Ketut Subiyanto).


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