Representatives from Foz visit Colombia to learn about best practices on smart cities

A technical mission, made up of representatives from Foz do Iguaçu, participated, in September of this year 2022, in an International Benchmarking Technical Mission, created to learn about the best management practices of Smart Cities. The visit took place in the city of Medellín, Colombia.

The technical mission aimed to get to know the city of Medellín and the models adopted for the application of innovation projects, making it an already consolidated Intelligent Tourist Destination (DTI), Medellín is a reference in Smart Cities. 

About the Technical Mission

For Jaime Mendes, partner-owner of Del Rey Quality Hotel, vice-president of Visit Iguassu and financial director of ABIH (Brazilian Association of the Hotel Industry of the State of São Paulo).

The achievement demonstrates that several improvements have been made over the years. In addition, the technical visit to Medellín aims to further improve Foz do Iguaçu in terms of smart city.

The event was organized by Sebrae-PR and Fecomércio-PR (Federation of Trade in Goods, Services and Tourism of the State) and had the participation of businessmen, government representatives and academies from Foz do Iguaçu.

The main objective was to seek information and experiences to enrich the way of thinking and seeing the challenges. Thus, transforming them, in this way, into learning and innovation in the tourist city of Foz do Iguaçu.

This would result in several benefits for tourists and residents and involve several sectors, such as transport, economy, shops and tourist attractions, among others.

It was represented by the entrepreneur, partner-owner of the Del Rey Quality Hotel, Jaime Mendes, who is on the board of Visit Iguassu, and the consultant Karin Pan by Sindhotéis, in order to expand the base of support for associates and city governance.

Intelligent Tourism

The group of entrepreneurs and representatives from Foz do Iguaçu learned about the Intelligent Tourism certification process in Medellín, Colombia, as well as its achievements and current challenges.

In addition, the group learned about the use of tourist applications, such as Medellín Travel (official travel guide) and Medellín City Card (digital passport for parks and attractions). The visit was extended to the Intelligent Tourism Center.

“We are very pleased to be able to share with our friends in Brazil all the knowledge about the transformation of the smart tourism information system and what we have done to position Medellín as the first Smart Tourism Destination in Colombia”, said the Undersecretary of Tourism, Ledys Lopez.


Foz do Iguaçu is already a Smart City

In addition to being among the five smartest cities in Paraná, Foz do Iguaçu is also among the 100 smartest cities in Brazil in the national ranking Connected Smart Cities 2021, according to a study developed by Urban Systems.

In 2021, the city of Foz gained prominence with the indicators “Entrepreneurship” and “Environment”. The city moves forward ranking of the smartest cities from Brazil.

The ranking is made up of 75 indicators and classifies Brazilian cities according to 11 thematic axes (mobility, urbanism, environment, technology and innovation, entrepreneurship, education, health, security, energy, governance and economy).

This year, Foz do Iguaçu ranked 79th nationally, 15th regionally and 6th statewide.

These achievements are the result of actions such as the program smart village, carried out in partnership between Itaipu Technological Park (PTI-BR), Itaipu Binacional, Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development (ABDI) and Foz do Iguaçu City Hall.

Aerial view of Foz do Iguacu

Technology advances in Foz do Iguaçu and helps smart tourism 

Foz do Iguaçu does not stop its advances, so public transport in Foz receives an application to help passengers.

Users of public transport in Foz do Iguaçu can now use CliveBus, an application for smartphones that allows real-time monitoring of buses, avoiding longer waiting times for passengers. 

With the tool provided by Viação Santa Clara at the request of the Transport and Traffic Institute of Foz do Iguaçu – Foztrans, the passenger can monitor the arrival and departure times of the entire fleet. 

In addition, it is also possible to search for routes, consult the lines and check the travel time based on your location. Searches can be done through the line, the starting point or even the place you want to go. 

The launch of the application will facilitate the routine of users and even tourists who use public transport, who will be able to follow on their cell phone, in real time, where the buses are and thus avoid waiting longer than necessary at the bus stops. 

About Medellin 

With about 3.7 million inhabitants, Medellín is considered the second largest city in Colombia. Joined the Intelligent Tourist Destinations project, promoted by the State Mercantile Society for the Management of Innovation and Technologies in Tourism, in Spain, in December 2020.

Medellín was certified in 2020 by SEGTTUR (Sociedad Estatal para la Gestión de la Innovación y las Tecnologías Turísticas):

– Destination of international reference in urban innovation practices and social resilience;

– Reference destination in the SEGITTUR certification in Latin America (Received DTI certification in 2020);

– Reference for the implementation of the DTI model carried out by the public authorities in conjunction with the private sector;

– It has an Intelligent Tourism Center, with practical uses of smart devices for the promotion and tourist experience;

– It has an active and evolving innovation ecosystem.

– Proximity to social reality and management with destination in Paraná.

Finally, for those who have already been to Foz, they know what this beautiful tourist destination has to offer and it is also on the list of Smart Cities. Foz also has the tourist seal of certification of Paraná. It will get even better after the innovative deployments.

meet 37 tourist attractions from Foz.


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