Marco das Três Fronteiras: what to expect from this tourist complex?

who visit Foz do Iguacu not only have the falls to know. In addition to the cultural richness, great shopping options and busy nightlife, the city shares borders with two other countries: Paraguay and Argentina. And it is precisely in this place that the Marco das Três Fronteiras is located, which is undoubtedly a separate attraction to be explored by tourists. 

If you still don't know this tourist spot, so important in our history and that of our neighbors, get ready to be enchanted by some of the surprises that we have separated in this post. After reading it, you will definitely want to pack your bags and leave for Foz. 

O original obelisk, erected in 1903, celebrates peace between the three countries and establishes sovereignty and territorial limits for Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. On each side, each country has a monument representing the Marco das Três Fronteiras, which are painted with the colors of the respective flags. In Argentina and Paraguay, landmarks are called “Hitos de las Tres Fronteras”. 

A tour for all ages 

Those who walk along the Marco das Três Fronteiras in Foz do Iguaçu are enchanted not only by the natural beauty that surrounds the environment, but also by all the infrastructure available in the place. There are several attractions, restaurants with regional cuisine, historical setting, architecture, curiosities and you can enjoy everything with extreme safety. Newly revitalized, the Brazilian side is fully accessible to all ages. 

The symbolism of the Landmark of the Three Borders 

In addition to all the historical weight that Marco das Três Fronteiras carries, there is also a symbolism involved that enchants all people. Being able to walk, enjoy the beauties and see the territory of each country on the other side of the river and the imaginary lines that separate them on the map, is something enchanting. Not to mention the experience of experiencing contact with other peoples, cultures, cuisines and different languages at such a small distance. 

The most amazing sunset in Brazil 

Another thing to appreciate at Marco das Três Fronteiras is the incredible sunset, considered the most beautiful in Brazil by residents and tourists who visit Foz do Iguaçu. 

The colors of twilight together with the colorful waters of the river prepare a paradisiacal scenario almost every day, and some visitors may be lucky enough to enjoy this spectacle in clear weather. 

Access and opening hours of Marco das Três Fronteiras 

Visiting Marco das Três Fronteiras is extremely easy, as access is well signposted, the route is all paved and of excellent quality. You can access with your car own, bus, taxi or transport contracted in agencies or hotels. 

O full ticket price is R$ 23.60 and the monument is open from 2 pm to 11 pm, every day of the week. 

Don't waste time and come and visit Foz do Iguaçu to get to know Marco das Três Fronteiras and many other attractions that the city offers. In addition to our hotel providing the best service in the area, we would also love to share more tips with you. So follow us on our Facebook, Instagram, twitter It is YouTube and stay on top of what's best around here. 


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