Discover 37 tourist attractions in Foz do Iguaçu

Paraná's tourist destination is on the world's radar, because it caters to all traveler profiles.

Places that preserve nature, with vast fauna and flora, as well as possibilities for exploring ecotourism and adventure sports, attract tourists from all over the world. This also happens with destinations that give access to great cultural and gastronomic diversity. That's because travelers are always looking for new and memorable experiences. Foz is one of the Brazilian destinations that brings together all these tourist attractions, being considered a route for national and international trips.

Beforehand, we cite the Tourism Trends Magazine, published by MTur (Ministry of Tourism). It portrays the projections and perspectives for tourism in 2022.

The survey brings among the trends of the sector the experience tourism, gastronomic tourism and self-care vacations.

In addition to the types of trips mentioned and involving the attractions in Foz, another highlight is caravanning. The term consists of traveling aboard a vehicle that also works as a kind of camp. In addition, road tourism is on the rise, having been further strengthened by the growth of the motorhome market in Brazil.

Travelers also seek safe destinations from a health point of view. Something that can be recognized through the Responsible Tourism Seal. The attractions in Foz have this recognition.

For this and other reasons, too…

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Foz is a tourist destination known for its natural beauty

That's because, there it is possible to practice unusual activities. Like bird watching and contemplating the Iguaçu Falls, in the Iguaçu National Park. There are options of all kinds, such as radical and water sports. And it goes way beyond!

Contrary to what many Brazilians imagine, the tourist destination of Foz is not limited to offering natural beauties, but also offers dozens of other attractions!

Here we list the 37 main tourist attractions in Foz!

For you to have an idea of the attractions in Foz, it is necessary to say that it is possible to go there and stay for a whole month. Just knowing new places and experiences, without repeating any!

The attractions in Foz please those travelers interested in adventure activities and relaxing moments, to those who really enjoy restaurants, museums and shopping.

Tall take place in Foz do Iguaçu, which It also has a unique feature:  is the only place with Triple Border!

Foz is a city in Paraná that borders two other countries, Argentina and Paraguay.

With air access and also by car and public transport, in a few minutes.

Foz has the Triple Border as an attraction

Photo: Rafael Guimarães – @ofotografodefoz

It is where the Triple Frontier and the Marco das Três Fronteiras, one of the most extraordinary spots in the world to watch the sunset from below and from above.  Even more so with the Iguazu Falls, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, as background. 

Something really surprising, to record in photos and to be included in stories and life experiences. 

And you? What are you waiting for to know and experience all this? Invitation? Good reasons?

We are doing that now, in this Post. Inviting you to explore Foz do Iguaçu as your next international or national travel destination.

For this, we list nothing less than 37 tourist attractions in Foz do Iguaçu.

A complete itinerary, so you don't lack for more reasons. So let's go to the tips!

Attraction 1 of Foz: Iguazu Falls

Iguazu Falls in Foz

To the waterfalls of Iguaçu, main tourist and natural attraction of Foz do Iguaçu. Nothe Iguazu National Park, makes it a must-see international destination for travelers from all over the world. 

The falls are formed by a set of 275 waterfalls on the Iguaçu River, located on the border between Brazil and Argentina. 

Firstly, by way of curiosity and merit, know that, in 2012, the destination Cataratas de Iguaçu was elected one of the New Seven Wonders of Nature. The decision, quite careful, came after a popular vote organized by the internationally recognized New 7 Wonders Foundation.

It is possible to contemplate this dazzling tourist attraction fromI enter from a boat, helicopter or trail.

Attractive 2 of Foz: Iguazu Falls – Argentinian side

Devil's Throat Argentinian side of Iguazu Falls

Still from the aspect of curiosity and also as a tip, so that you don't miss exploring when you go to Foz, it is worth mentioning that two thirds of the Iguaçu Falls are on the Argentine side, in Puerto Iguazú. 

The Argentine side is really a great spectacle of nature and must be visited separately. This is because most of the water falls into what is called Devil's Throat.

The Garganta do Diabo is a very famous chasm, 82 meters high, 150 meters wide and 700 meters long. It is undoubtedly known as the most beautiful waterfall in the Iguazu Falls. 

Attractive 3 of Foz: The Falls of Paraguay

Monday Jumps Paraguay
TripAdvisor Photos

Monday Falls or Monday Waterfalls, or Monday Falls. All these names are used to refer to the Rio Monday Falls, located in the city of Presidente Franco, Paraguay. Right next to Foz do Iguaçu.

They are also part of the tourist attractions and preservation area of the Trinational Region. 

Contrary to popular belief, the Falls or Falls of Monday, considered the Falls of Paraguay, are located (left bank) in a beautiful Municipal Park of 9 hectares. And protected (right bank) by the Maharishi Private Nature Reserve, with 450 hectares.

The waters that pass through the waterfall, with an average flow of 100 cubic meters per second. They fall from a height of 40 meters, half the height of the jumps of waterfalls of Iguaçu.

Attraction 4 of Foz: Iguaçu National Park

Iguacu National Park

In the Iguaçu National Park is where we talk about the Iguaçu Falls. But what you might not know is what it represents for Brazil and offers tourists.

It is certainly an example of integration between conservation and the sustainable use of natural resources. 

The park is also home to the largest remnant of Atlantic Forest in southern Brazil.

It therefore protects a very rich biodiversity, constitutingby representative species of the Brazilian fauna and flora. Some are endangered. 

Furthermore, with around 600,000 hectares of protected areas and another 400,000 of forests primitive. that is, the Iguacu National Park was the first Conservation Unit in Brazil to be established as a World Natural Heritage Site by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), in 1986. 

Brazilians who want to visit the Iguazu National Park pay a fee, and can also fly over the Falls and take boat trips, trails, rafting and waterfalls.

Attraction 5 of Foz: Cable car and Memorial to Santos Dumont

Iguazu National Park Cable Car

The Iguaçu National Park will gain a cable car and a memorial dedicated to the father of Brazilian aviation: Santos Dumont. 

To the news were announced earlier this year (2022) by the Federal Government. In addition, the place will also receive a new internal transport system and the revitalization of access to the complex.

To put the package of attractions into effect, services are also planned for visitor centers, buildings and facilities within the national park and more security for the heritage.

The aim of the project is to increase the interest of tourists in the park. This is because, generally, those who arrive there seek to know only the Iguaçu Falls. The intention is to also direct people to other poles of the park, such as Rio Azul and the Iguaçu Islands – not very well known spots. 

According to the Ministry of the Environment, Polo Cataratas received more than two million visitors in 2019. Meanwhile, the other spots had just over ten thousand over the same period.

Attraction 6 of Foz: Aquarium at the Falls

Iguazu Falls Aquarium

The city of Foz do Iguaçu is getting ready to gain a new tourist attraction. Which will add to other strongholds that usually attract thousands of tourists every year, all year round. 

It's about the AquaFoz, which will be one of the largest freshwater aquariums in the world, with 3.5 million liters.

AquaFoz will have several tanks with species from freshwater and marine ecosystems. 

The new attraction will operate in a constructed area of 23,000 square meters, to be built at the entrance to the Iguaçu National Park, next to the Visitor Center. 

The work is expected to be completed between 2023 and 2024.

Attractive 7 of Foz: Sport and Adventure in Iguaçu Park

Macuco Safari at Iguazu Falls

In addition to the trails, which can be done inside the Iguaçu National Park. There is also the option of about 5 hours of panoramic flyby. 

In order to make it even more unforgettable, aboard a helicopter, it is possible to enjoy a wide and surprising view. In a flight over the Iguaçu Falls, Paraná River, Iguaçu River, Marco das Três Fronteiras and Itaipu Power Plant. 

Already on the tour Macuco Safari, one of the most famous and disputed in Foz do Iguaçu. The visitor travels along the 3 km trail in the woods, using an electric cart, followed by a 600 meter journey in a jeep to the pier.

The tour ends on a twin-engine inflatable boat, on the Iguaçu River, which gives access to an incredible view of the unmissable Falls and a waterfall bath. 

Attraction 8 of Foz: Aguaray Eco Sports


You tours carried out by Aguaray Eco Esportes offer activities that link leisure to sport and the environment, fulfilling the objective of integrating people with the natural beauties present in Foz do Iguaçu. 

The adventures offered by Aguaray Eco Sports it works like this: the The journey begins with a walk along the Indian Ecological Trail, which goes to the Base of Canoeing, on the banks of the Iguaçu River. All the way is accompanied by a lot of information about the Atlantic Forest and the biome.

Arriving at the Canoeing Base, instructions are given and everyone heads towards the Tamanduá River, in a light and relaxing canoeing activity. The exuberant landscape of the region provides moments of great contact with nature.

At the Tamanduá River, the adventurers disembark and a trail is made to the Waterfall 

from Toca. After contemplating and bathing in the waterfalls, return to the kayaks back to the base.

Travelers who are lovers of adventure sports can opt for trails, stand up paddle, canoeing and bathing in the local waterfall. 

The tour is accompanied by biologists and specialized guides, seeking to unite sport and ecology. 

Attractive 9 of Foz: Parque das Aves

Bird Park

foz keeps the Bird Park, a space with 16 hectares of restored Atlantic Forest, with hundreds of species. 

Since 2017, the site has become an Integrated Conservation Center for Atlantic Forest Species, which operates in conservation, research and education, with a focus on animal welfare. Many birds that are there were rescued.

The walk through Bird Park it is done along a 1.5 km trail, with a sidewalk and easy access, despite being done in the middle of the exuberant Atlantic Forest. 

The experience offers a real immersion, in the three nurseries, when visitors feel like they are in the natural habitat of native birds. Along the way, it is possible to find harpies, owls, parrots, alligators and even anacondas and boa constrictors. All the way is safe and supervised. There are guided tours.

Attraction 10 of Foz: Marco das Três Fronteiras

Marco das Três Fronteiras

Photo: Rafael Guimarães – @ofotografodefoz

Considered one of the main symbols of Destino Iguassu, the Marco das Três Fronteiras is represented by a obelisk, erected to celebrate peace between the peoples of the trinational region, formed by Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. 

On site, there is a memorial, playground, restaurant and scenographic village, where artistic and cultural presentations of the region take place daily. 

Usually, performances take place before and after sunset, a spectacle worth staying to watch. Over there, there are palms when the sun goes down. Foz is also a reference for offering several places to watching a perfect sunset.

foz is between one of the first most visited tourist destinations in Brazil. And this is certainly one more reason to attract visitors from here and abroad.

Attractive 11 of Foz: Gastronomic Experience

gastronomic experience

Gastronomic experiences are also highlighted on the trip to Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná. 

That's because it's strategically located in the heart of South America, being a cosmopolitan and important city in the geopolitics of MERCOSUR (Southern Common Market). 

With the most complete urban infrastructure among the borders of South America, the municipality is home to the Iguaçu and Paraná rivers, which come together, forming the triple border between Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. 

They are 88 ethnic groups represented in Foz do Iguaçu

In addition to the fact that it borders Argentina and Paraguay, countries that are the scene of a lot of culture, leisure options and shopping.

The options for culinary experimentation and leisure range from typical and traditional restaurants, such as the lebanese castle, famous for being in a neighborhood with an Arab community and cuisine.

Via Morello and others serve Italian carvery. Rafain, which serves barbecue, with a Latin American show, with the largest number of national dances presented in a dinner show.

Attraction 12 of Foz: Special Circuit at Itaipu Binacional

Special Circuit at the Itaipu Power Plant
Source: Shutterstock

A Itaipu Binacional, located on the Paraná River, on the border between Brazil and Paraguay, is the largest hydroelectric power plant in the world in generating clean and renewable energy. The dam was built by the two countries between 1975 and 1982. 

along the way Special Circuit of tourism at Itaipu, which takes place in the heart of the plant, visitors have access to a tour to understand how uninterrupted energy generation works. 

Whoever makes the circuit can observe the activity of the rotor of one of the generating units, in addition to the work carried out in the central control room.

Attractive 13 of Foz: Itaipu Dam Lighting

Itaipu Illuminated Foz do Iguaçu

The tour of Itaipu Binacional's Monumental Illumination begins at the Central Lookout and contemplates an amazing view: the dam illuminated by 747 reflectors and 112 light fixtures. 

The experience is even more unusual and incredible as it is rocked by a soundtrack. The music reverberates in synchrony with the lighting, which illuminates and gives an idea of the entire 8 km extension of the dam. 

The space recreates scenarios from the prehistoric period to the town of Foz, until the construction of the power plant. Objects and photographs help to tell the rich history of Itaipu Binacional. History that merges with the history of Foz.

Attractive 14 of Foz: Kattamaram Tour on Itaipu Lake

Katamaran Foz do Iguaçu tour

It is possible to navigate the waters of Lake Itaipu aboard a Kattamaram cozy, appreciating the immensity of nature and the Itaipu reservoir. 

The view is really privileged, especially at sunset. 

The boat trip allows contact with nature within the Itaipu Tourist Complex. Worth a try!

Attractive 15 of Foz: Itaipu Astronomical Pole

Astronomic Tour Itaipu Foz

The experience in Astronomical Pole from Itaipu, which is also located within the Itaipu Tourist Complex, includes a planetarium, observatory and observation platform with the naked eye. The tour usually takes place at night.

In light of this, the Espaço Universo exhibits miniature replicas of probes and spacecraft, prototypes of planets and simulators of the solar system. Quite interesting for children and adults.

Attraction 16 of Foz: Bela Vista Biological Refuge 

Bela Vista Biological Refuge

Before nocturnal contemplation of astronomy at the Itaipu Complex, which was the tip above, it is also possible to take another tour, through Bela Vista Biological Refuge.  

The protection unit was created to preserve the fauna and flora during the formation of the Itaipu power plant reservoir. 

The walk through Bela Biological Refuge Vista consists of a 2 km walk on a trail through the native forest, with learning about the environment. There are about 50 species and more than 960 genera of native plants.

Attractive 17 of Foz: Itaipu Technological Park

Itaipu Technological Park

O Itaipu Technological Park (PTI) was founded in 2005 by Itaipu Binacional, under the management of the Itaipu Technological Park Foundation – Brazil (FPTI-BR). 

The space and its exploitation as a tourist attraction aims to contribute to regional development, in a sustained manner, through activities that foster institutional development. 

In addition to science, technology and innovation, as well as the dissemination of knowledge, professional and business training, to generate employment and income.

Attraction 18 of Foz: skydiving flying over Itaipu Lake

Skydiving Foz Iguaçu Falls

If you want to go skydiving, but didn't have the courage or opportunity, in Foz you can too. A Fly Foz Paraquedismo makes jumps there at the Itaipu Power Plant, being a great option for those who like to experience scenarios with adrenaline and adventure.

In order to be unforgettable, the view, during the adventure of the parachute jump, contemplates Itaipu Binacional and the beautiful Lake of Itaipu.

Think of an incredible opportunity? Maybe you just needed to find the ideal place for your adventure! 

Attractive 19 of Foz: Buddhist Temple

Buddhist Temple Foz Iguaçu

O Chen Tien Buddhist Temple It is a place of prayer and meditation for the eastern community of Foz do Iguaçu and one of the largest in South America. Open to visitors, the place allows closer contact with Buddhist philosophy and nature. 

If you have time to spare in Terra das Cataratas, be sure to visit this temple. By the way, even if your stay in the city is brief, for just a few days, but the intention is to relax, it is really worth including the temple in your itinerary. 

This Zen attraction with a unique beauty can transform your trip into something even more unforgettable. A tour suitable for all ages!

Attractive 20 of Foz: Muslim Mosque 

Muslim Mosque Foz Iguaçu

The Omar Ibn Al-Khattab Mosque is considered one of the most renowned Islamic works in the world, being, also, an amazing place to experience this religious culture and relax.

Symbol of the Muslim religion, the  muslim mosque it is housed in a sumptuous building 15 meters high.

The place that stands out for its Arabic architecture with high towers and sober decoration, with religious inspiration. 

The mosque is open to the public every day. 

Attraction 21 of Foz: Dinosaur Valley

Valley of the Dinosaurs in Foz

The Valley of the Dinosaurs from Foz do Iguaçu takes visitors on an outdoor walk, with 20 dinosaurs, with movements and sounds. 

It is a fun, historical, scientific and educational tour, especially for children, because it shows life-size robotic simulations, presenting the different species of dinosaurs that lived millions of years ago.

Attractive 22 of Foz: Ice Bar Brazil in Brazil or Argentina

Ice Bar in Foz do Iguacu

To enjoy the experience of Ice Bar Brazil, in Foz do Iguaçu, visitors receive special clothing, such as coats and gloves, as the temperature there is quite cold! Around -15ºC. 

The place has benches, counter, sculptures and glasses made of ice. And there is, at the bar, the option of drinks included in the open bar. Therefore, it is a great option for those who like the cold, being able to drink at will. 

The attraction is also an original and fun place to take the kids. 

By the way, if you want, you can take the opportunity to visit Ice Bar Iguazú, located in Puerto Iguazú, Argentina.

The bar follows the same structure, with sculptures and glasses made of ice. The stay inside is 30 minutes and the system is also open bar, allowing you to consume the drinks prepared by the bartender at your leisure. 

Attractive 23 of Foz: Dreamland Wax Museum

Wax Museum Dreamland Foz

Maybe you didn't have the opportunity to meet one or you liked it a lot, outside the country, but know that O Dreamland Wax Museum is the largest of its kind in Brazil, with a unit in Foz. 

It is compared to others in the United States and Europe, with a collection of more than 100 life-size statues, distributed in 17 different scenarios. 

Among those portrayed are Popes John Paul II and Francis, Spiderman, Madonna, Charlie Chaplin, Neymar Jr., Jack Sparrow, among other characters.

Cool for photo records and fun for both kids and adults.

Attractive 24 of Foz: Movie Cars

Movie Car Foz do Iguacu

Located in the main tourist corridor of Foz do Iguaçu, Movie Cars features more than 40 vehicles in 24 scenarios that immerse guests in a cinematic immersion. 

These are stands where vehicles are featured in scenes that simulate movies. They are shown on screens. There is also a 50's themed restaurant and burger joint on site.

Attractive 25 of Foz: Duty Free Shopping in Argentina

duty free

O duty free Shopping Puerto Iguazu is located on the border between Brazil and Argentina and is a great option for those looking for products from the best brands, with more affordable prices than those practiced in common malls. 

And the best: shopping can be done in a safe environment, with comfort and peace of mind. 

The highlight of products goes to the cosmetics, perfumes, chocolates, beverages and electronics departments. 

Attractive 26 of Foz: Shopping in Paraguay

Shopping Del Este in Paraguay
Photo: Rafael Guimarães – @ofotografodefoz

Shopping Del Este, located in Ciudad del Leste, Paraguay, has 40 stores. 

They offer the very best in electronics, information technology, photographic equipment, cosmetics, games, beverages, clothing, jewelry, eyewear and watches from famous and varied brands, among others. 

The parking lot has a security system and offers tranquility and convenience to customers. 

Attractive 27 of Foz: Casino Acaray in Paraguay

Hotel Casino Acaray Foz

Casino Acaray is located in Hotel Casino Acaray, Ciudad del Este, Paraguay. The place offers a very cool experience for those who enjoy fun, games and a luxurious environment. 

In addition to gaming machines, the hotel offers an excellent restaurant in a cozy and safe environment. 

Fun to play alone or with friends.

The game options are: roulette, blackjack, poker, texas hold'em poker room and mini baccarat. 

Attractive 28 of Foz: Wine Purchases

Wines in the Triple Frontier

A ODA Vinoteca it is a great option for shopping, among other places that can be found in Foz and also in Argentina, close to the border. There you can find wines from the three countries, in addition to the famous Border Wines. It works like a wine Duty Free. 

In addition to increasing the variety of cellars, it also trains hotel and restaurant waiters. The aim is to improve service around wine and tastings in the trinational region. 

Winemakers, sommeliers and owners of large Argentine wineries have passed through ODA, such as: Carmelo Patti, Ricardo Santos, among many others. It is worth checking out the labels selected by them and investing in your cellar.

Attractive 29 of Foz: Shopping in Foz

Shopping Catuai Palladium in Foz

In addition to Argentina and Paraguay, it is worth remembering that Foz do Iguaçu also has many malls. 

The first to be remembered is always the JL Shopping Falls, as it was the first store center to open in the city, in 2007, to serve the entire region, becoming a much sought-after point of reference. It offers 140 stores, 18 dining options, 4 movie theaters and more than 5,000 parking spaces. 

The mall it also has a shop at the Super Muffato market, which is an advantage when you want to save money and eat something quick. What's more, it maintains Cinemark movie theaters.

In 2016, the wide Shopping Catuaí Palladium, which is the fifth largest in the State of Paraná and is located in Foz do Iguaçu. 

It offers 221 stores, 20 fast food options and a boulevard with several types of restaurants, in addition to a multiplex with 6 movie theaters and more than 1,600 free parking spaces. It is also a good option for missing purchases.

Attractive 30 of Foz: Iporã Lenda Show

Iporã Lenda Show at Rafain in Foz

The Iporã Lenda Show is held at Rafain Churrascaria Show, one of the most traditional restaurants in the region. 

The show begins with a musical retelling of the Legend of the Falls, where Naipi and Tarobá are punished for living a forbidden love. 

Then, songs and dances portray the folkloric diversity of Latin America, from Caribbean salsa to malambo from the pampas.

Specialized in buffet or self-service barbecue, the place also has a Latin American show that is in the Guinness World Records. The show travels through the culture of eight Latin American countries. The cast consists of more than 45 artists. Exciting!

Attractive 31 of Foz: Iguassu Secret Falls

Iguassu Secret Falls Secret Waterfalls

O Iguassu Secret Falls, that is, the Secret Waterfalls of Foz do Iguaçu is a very special tour for those who want to relax and have intimate contact with nature. 

In this way, on the exclusive and special tour, the tourist gets to know 11 waterfalls and natural hydromassages.

There are four trails, along 4 km, that cross three rivers: Carimã, Tamanduá and Remanso. 

Thus, the trail is done on foot and has the support of a vehicle, a bilingual guide and a rescuer, for emergencies. As if that weren't enough, the tour has a delicious stop for lunch, with four restaurant options.

It is worth remembering that some waterfalls are, therefore, public and others are within private properties. All of these are being explored recently. Even ins falls in public places, the population itself did not know about them.

It really is a lost paradise! The transfer is made from the hotels or from Shopping Catuai Palladium.

Attractive 32 of Foz: Largest Ferris wheel in Latin America

Yupi Biggest Ferris Wheel in Brazil in Foz

Largest ferris wheel in Brazil and also in Latin America, the Yupi Star, inaugurated in 2021, is one of the attractions in Foz. At 88 meters high, it offers the experience of being in three countries at the same time: Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil. Together, they form the Triple Frontier. 

It is already one of the main attractions of this tourist route and delights adults and children alike. The unique contemplation involves the sunset seen from above. The success of the attraction is certainly due to this unique experience, which can be enjoyed during the day and at night.

Attraction 31 of Foz: La Aripuca

La Aripuca in Foz

A La Aripuca is a tourist attraction located in Puerto Iguazú, Argentina. It has educational and cultural objectives. 

The visit boils down to a brief guided walk in nature.

The highlight goes to La Aripuca, which is certainly the main building on the site.  The structure also has gastronomic spaces and a handicraft shop. 

Attractive 34 of Foz: Tours through the Falconry Center

Falconry Center in Foz

Beforehand, visit the Falconry Center from Foz is also an unforgettable experience. There it is the first institution dedicated to helping and sheltering birds of prey in Foz. Something not very common in other parts of the country.

It is possible to learn more about the art of falconry and the integration between men and birds in Foz. In this way, learn about the myths and truths related to falconry. It is, therefore, a great opportunity to contemplate the flight and simulations of fighters while handling and feeding the birds.

Attractive 35 of Foz: Blue Thermal Water Park

Blue Thermal Water Park

In fact, Foz has one more attraction and reason for pride for the city: the largest water park in the south of the country is there. that is, the Blue Park, what sits on the Guarani Aquifer, the second largest freshwater reserve in the world. This guarantees, above all, its supply of crystal clear thermal waters.

O park it has the third largest thermal beach with waves in the world and promises lots of fun for all ages. 

By the way, Blue Waves has 9 types of waves that are up to 1.20 m high, with natural sand and a paradisiacal setting. That means, the color of the water resembles the Caribbean Sea. In addition, there are Sunny Lake with fishing and ziplining. All this, in addition to the most radical attractions.

Attractive 36 of Foz: Hotels and resorts

Breakfast special time Del Rey Hotel

Furthermore, Foz maintains accommodation facilities for all audiences and occasions, with hotels, inns, flats and resorts. This, not counting the large convention centers for events.

Just as there is a high annual demand for leisure tourism in Foz, hundreds of people go to this destination for another reason. To participate in events and the growing business market. 

The attractions in Foz invariably attract a new type of trip: the bleisure  Athe one that reconciles work travel and also leisure with tourism.

Foz do Iguaçu is, like some capitals in the country, the ideal place for this. Being even better! Because it offers green tourism and, therefore, maintains many accommodation options, urban or in the middle of nature.

That is, the accommodation options range from luxury hotels, international and national chains, to family establishments. In addition to hostels and inns.

Certainly, the more centralized and traditional hotels, such as the Del Rey Quality Hotel, are opportunities to stay in comfort. They are close to everything and give access, for example, to tourist attractions and transport. There you also have a terrace with a pool with a night view and hearty breakfast with special hours.

It is no wonder that Hotel Del Rey is among the most recommended on TripAdvisor.

In the same way that there are several tourist attractions in Foz, there are also several spaces for events. The variety of convention centers allows a suitable choice for all profiles and sizes. They operate with comfort, technology, safety and good service.

Events take place, for example, at: Belmond Hotel das Cataratas; Bourbon Cataratas Convention & Resort; Carimã Hotel & Convention Foz; Falls Galli Hotel; Hotel Golden Park Internacional Foz.

In other words, tourists can choose between Mabu Interludium Iguassu; the Mabu Termas; the Grand Resort Rafain Palace Hotel & Convention Center and many others. There are, moreover, other options for those seeking comfort close to nature: Recanto Cataratas Termas Resort Viale; Cataratas Hotel & Events; Wish Resort Golf Convention, among many others.

For those who want luxury:

Just to illustrate, in a region where fauna and flora are exuberant, there is no lack of leisure and adventure options among the attractions in Foz.

A few minutes from the Iguazu Falls is the Bourbon Cataratas Convention & Spa Resort, close to the border between Brazil and Argentina. Therefore, the resort offers complete infrastructure for leisure and business, in perfect harmony with the nature of the region. 

For the sake of illustration, it is worth mentioning that the famous Grand Carimã Resort & Convention Center is located on Rodovia das Cataratas, a prime part of the city.

In any case, the hotel's Convention Center is certainly among the largest in the region, with an auditorium for up to 2,200 people, in addition to its 13 support rooms. Yet offers game rooms, soccer field, beach volleyball court, zip line, playground, climbing wall, swimming pools, among others. 

The Mabu Termas & Resort is located on the Guarani Aquifer. It is the largest underground water reserve in the world. The water temperature is 36ºC all year round. Therefore, it allows swimming in the pool at any time of the day or night. It also maintains an excellent Convention Center, with 10,000 m2 of air-conditioned area planned for events.

Attractive 37 of Foz: Smart City

With so many attractions in Foz, the city finally advances also in the ranking of smart cities.

This is because it gained prominence in the national ranking in the year 2021. As well as among the five smarter cities do Paraná, in addition to being among the 100 smartest in Brazil in the national ranking Connected Smart Cities 2021.

The data is of the study developed by Urban Systems. The main indicators of Foz were, in fact, Entrepreneurship and Environment.

The ranking is made up of seventy-five indicators and classifies Brazilian cities according to eleven thematic axes. Considering two of these items, therefore, Foz reached, first, the 79th position nationally. After, the 15th regional and the 6th position if considered the state.

Above all, the achievement demonstrates that many improvements have been made over the years. And many are still being improved, to offer excellent infrastructure, with technological innovations to residents and visiting tourists.

Too good, isn't it?

In short, we know that today there is the concept of workstation. He allows travelers to work from anywhere, remotely, allowing to unite work and leisure after working hours in different scenarios.

So what are you waiting for to pack your bags and head to Foz?

We hope this article is useful for you.

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