Traveling with an agency or on your own? Know the best option!

Travel is one of many people's favorite ways to enjoy vacation and days off. However, deciding between traveling with an agency or on your own can be a very difficult task. Many are in doubt when making a choice, as the first option usually costs more, but everything will depend on the package, agency, location and date you choose.

So the right question would be whether you are ready to accept the pros and cons of each of these travel options and assess whether the cost-benefit is worth it.

So, to help you decide how to make your trip, we selected some advantages and disadvantages of each alternative, offering useful tips so that you can enjoy the best of your trip with economy and peace of mind. Check out!

Advantages of traveling on your own

Although it's great to have a script ready, there are days when people wake up and want to do everything differently, right? Traveling on your own guarantees this freedom, allowing the tourist to get to know the place in the way that suits him best.


Normally, you don't have a fully established routine. We choose a place we want to visit and discover tourist attractions. On the way, we get to know other attractions, which makes the trip extremely rich. After all, there is no better point of view to explore the sites than that of a pedestrian.


Time flexibility is another advantage that attracts tourists traveling on their own. There are people who have a more relaxed rhythm, which is why they always try to outline the script on their own. Taking a trip on your own is ideal for those who like to travel without rushing to meet a certain schedule.


When we talk about pocket, the advantages are also significant. Even better is if the tourist has a flexible schedule, that is, when he can board in the middle of the week, days when ticket prices drop a lot.

Organizing everything on your own, it is possible to select cheaper and simpler stays, such as the hostel. For those who are going to explore the world in a group, there is the option of renting a house or apartment and sharing the cost with friends.

If one of the obstacles to traveling alone is the lack of company, this is not a problem, since you meet many people and can make friends in the places. Anyway, traveling alone provides the choice of itinerary, has a lower cost and also guarantees the flexibility of schedules.

Disadvantages of traveling on your own

Grab your bags and leave country or around the world will require minimal organization, as the person is responsible for everything from buying tickets and booking hotels to checking vaccinations and necessary documents.

Problems with transportation

If any kind of problem happens at the airport, the tourist will have to solve the situation himself. Therefore, it is essential to make a checklist of everything you need to travel without having headaches. The ideal is to always stay calm in complicated situations and always be prepared.

problems with hosting

One of the problems may be hosting. Although the sites for renting houses and apartments — or even hotels — show pictures, it may be that the place is not exactly the same in reality. Therefore, a tip is always to check the comments of those who have been to the place.

In summary, the disadvantages of traveling on your own are the lack of support in the face of possible problems and a lot more work to organize.

Advantages of traveling with an agency

Those who do not speak the language of a country or who have had no experience abroad may prefer to close a package with an agency. See how it can make your trip easier.

Planning and organization

Assistance ranges from site selection to airport check-in. The agent will talk to the tourist to learn about their needs and desires in order to choose the best package.

Transfer from the airport to the hotel, ticket, tour, car rental and a multitude of services can be hired. Nowadays agencies don't just have closed package models, they have personalized trips according to the client's wishes.

Support with documentation

Another benefit is assistance with money and documentation. Still at the agency, the tourist will fill out the passport form and receive all the instructions on the process. The same goes for the visa. In the case of money, some agencies bridge the gap between the customer and the exchange office, so that the person will not need to travel to the location to exchange the real for the currency of the destination country.

guaranteed hosting

In the case of less traditional countries, it can also be very safe and interesting to let a more experienced professional plan the trip. By doing this, the person does not run the risk of becoming host in distant places and with bad accommodation or from taking dangerous walks.

For national addresses, the ease that an agency provides is to arrange the ticket, hotel and transfer at once. One more benefit is that the consultancy continues during the trip, also valid for vacations abroad. Furthermore, if the customer has their return flight cancelled, loses documents or suffers from a health problem, they can contact the agent or insurance company included in the package.

Disadvantages of traveling with an agency

higher expenses

Every convenience comes with a higher cost and of course this will not change in trips that are organized through an agency. One of the reasons for planning the trip alone is that you can wait for better prices, research calmly and choose alternative accommodation. In the end, a very cheap value is guaranteed.

Pre-defined itinerary and accommodation

Another alert is that some companies only work with hotels from a certain number of stars. This, of course, will make your stay more expensive. Therefore, if the person does not like to travel alone or if the language is a barrier, the traditional package is the solution. Another problem is that there are itineraries and schedules to be followed, which can make the trip a little less flexible.

To ensure more pleasant values, it is important to look for agencies in advance, so you increase the chances of saving. If the person has already taken some trips with a certain professional from the company, it is recommended to get in touch to guarantee promotional packages.

In short, the disadvantages are higher costs, rigidity with schedules and little flexibility of packages.

It is essential to establish a road map that will fit your style. If you travel alone, if you like to visit the museums, but you don't want to waste three days on it, you can put together a grid of tours within your expectations.

When traveling with an agency, you won't have the option to plan as you like. So, if you prefer this freedom, the best option is to travel on your own starting your trip even before leaving home, while doing research, ensuring more savings for your pocket and, of course, acquiring more knowledge about your destination.

So, did you like this text and want to know how to choose the best destination to enjoy your vacation? So take the time to find out how set the perfect destination on family trip!


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